Sunday, May 24, 2009


This picture is draw by little pointer.
The subject is "The Thorn Birds" It is from a novel with same name,It is a beautiful story.
I know this picture isn't draw good,but I really love it .I spend many time in drawing. But not in free time .The time while I drawing is always in lesson time ; in my study time , and any time I have a pen in my hand . It is just like a hobit.This hobit begin at the last year of junior high school.
I think it because at that time I have stress and need to settle.So I begain draw unconscious,than the hobit continue now.Many time I didn't have really purpose about drawing what but when I hold pen my hand will start move automatic and than an picture appear.Sometime I will draw consciously,It always because something move me,and I need to let my feeling or something which can't mean by language out of mu body.Like this draw, It is come because the novel "The Thorn Birds"really move me. Every time I draw I didn't consider isn't it like true or isn't it beautiful. In fact, I don't consider anything I just care what my mind want to draw and draw it out.

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